Immunisations & Vaccinations


At Maxwell Medical we provide the full range of vaccination services.

Immunisation is the most effective way of protecting your child against a range of serious illnesses, including measles, hepatitis B and whooping cough. All vaccines used in Australia undergo stringent testing and ongoing monitoring. If fully immunised, your child is far less likely to catch a particular infection or if they do, their symptoms will tend to be much less severe. 

Vaccination also provides what’s called ‘herd immunity’, meaning if enough people are immunised against a bacteria or virus, infection will not be able to spread easily from person to person. This helps to protect those who are too young or who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.

In Victoria, the routine schedule of vaccines is provided free under the National Immunisation Program and the Victorian funded immunisation program. For more information on the Victorian Immunisation schedule click here.

We also provide annual flu vaccination and appropriate further vaccines for at risk groups, such as pneumococcal vaccination and shingles vaccination for those over 70 years old.

To book an appointment for immunisations, or to discuss your individual needs with one of our experienced doctors, click here.